Stats & writing sample & schools applied to


GPA: 3.991 (Cumulative); 4 (Philosophy Major).
GRE: 163 (V); 169 (Q); 4 (W).


  • Graduate seminars (3): Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason / sentimentalism in ethics / advanced symbolic logic
  • Value theory (4+1): philosophy of law / social and political philosophy / normative ethics / applied ethics / + sentimentalism in ethics
  • History (5+1): movements in 20th-century philosophy / history of 19th-century philosophy / history of 17th-century philosophy / history of medieval philosophy / history of ancient philosophy / + Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason
  • Metaphysics, mind, logic & phil of science (5+1): philosophy of mind / consciousness / philosophy of biology / seminar for undergraduate majors / symbolic logic / + advanced symbolic logic
  • Other (2): philosophy of art / philosophy of gender

Letter writers:

#1 大一下的教授(伦理学),那门课的 term paper 死搅蛮缠着他帮我改了一年,得过本科生的 best paper award。Writing Sample 的起源。大四上学期又上了他的课。

#2 大三下的教授(心灵哲学),虽然学生人数不算少,但在那门课上互相感觉很好所以请写了推荐信。当事人说是 「very strong letter」。

#3 大三下一直上到大四下的教授(科学哲学,分析哲学史),从黑格尔上到日常语言学派,又上回达尔文。

Programs applied to:

  • Accepted: Arizona, NIU (MA, declined)
  • Waitlisted: Notre Dame, UCLA, WUSTL
  • Rejected: Berkeley, Brown, Columbia, CUNY, Harvard, NYU, Princeton, Stanford, U of T, UNC, Yale, UW Madison
  • Withdrawn: Cornell, Indiana, UMass

Came to Philosophy in my junior year, spend an extra year (fifth) as undergraduate.

GPA: Under 3.5 (Cumulative); Around 3.7 (Philosophy)
GRE: Embarrassingly low. Far from adequate.

Writing Sample (on Political Philosophy): State Interference in Parenting

Course Work

  • Value Theory (5+1): Philo of Law/ Ethical Theory/ Current Moral & Social Issues/ Topics in Social & Political Philo/ Moral Responsibility / Seminar in Legal Philo.

  • Metaphysics-Epistemology(3): (Intro) Metaphysics/ Philo of Language/ (Advanced) Philo of Language.

  • Logic (2): Intro/ Intermediate Logic.

  • History(2): Aristotle/ 18 Century.

  • Other(3+1): Seminar in Philo of Psychology/ Philo of Art/ Philo aspect of Cog Sci/ (another) (Crosslisted) Cog Sci and Philo.

Letter Writers: (Not ranked):

1 大三上,大五上,大五下的教授 (法律哲学),大五上的那门课觉得特别好。

2 大四上一直到大五下的教授,(政治哲学) ,Thesis Adviser. Paper 想了一年多(觉得前期稿子不太能看,就不算“写”了一年)writing sample是节选。

3 大三下教授(伦理学), 仔细聊过申请的事。

Programs applied to (All MA):

Brandeis (off waitlist) / UW Milwaukee / GSU / NIU / UMSL (declined) / VT (declined) / SFSU (declined) / UBC / SFU / UWO (declined)

(Accept 了Brandeis的半奖offer)


有今年申请的小伙伴一起更这个贴子吗 (为期N个月的直播申请过程-结果?)

我有大概的school list 什么的可以考虑po了 但一个人的话可能就不了…

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GPA: Class 2 (undergrad; 换算过来好像是3.2左右);4.0(MA)

Writing Sample: What Is Rationality Good For? A Game-Theoretic Perspective

Letter writers: MA的导师和两个教授。

Programs applied to (all PhD):(求教我怎么换颜色T-T)
Admitted: UC-Irvine, York, UC-Davis
Waitlisted: Western (WL-reject), Wisconsin-Madison (WL-admit), Washington (pending funding)
Rejected: Pittsburgh, Michigan, Stanford, Princeton, Carnegie Mellon, UC-Berkeley, Columbia, Brown



[color=green] 颜色 [/color

给最后加上“]” 就可以了


GPA: 4 (MA; 基本都很高 参考意义不大) GRE: 不打算重考了

Writing Sample: Why (Some) Marginalized Individuals Ought to Do Something

MA Course Work: (比较确定自己的AOI所以选课侧重明显 这样可能有利有弊)

  • Moral/Social (x4)
  • Independent Study/Thesis(x2)
  • Others: Prosem(x1) Linguistics(x1) Psychology(x1)

Letter writers: MA的导师和教授 本科的教授

Tentative List (all PhD): 12 (有几所学校今年不招生了所以list没有本来打算的长(基于种种原因申的不是很保守 (我也很可能打算申1-3所psych MA in UK

Philo PhD: Yale Pitt NYU Rutgers MIT USC Harvard Stanford UCBerkeley UCLA Cornell UCSD
Psych MSc: St Andrews Edinburgh

Accepted, Rejected, Pending
3/14可以assume shut out了 所有申请的PhD都出了 ad 和 wl.
目前打算积累一年再申请23fall 在此期间的一年基本在 延毕 和 二硕里面选 目前没什么偏好 (除了因为项目课程设置更灵活 更prefer Edinburgh > St Andrews)求建议


GPA: Undergrad 3.7/4 MA 3.96/4 唯一一门不是4的课是中特()本硕都在人大

Writing Sample: Making Counterpossibles True Nonvacuously 从硕士论文抽出了一部分改写

MA Coursework: Formal Logic x6; Theoretical Philosophy (including Phi and History of Logic) x7+2 audited at PKU

Letter Writers: 硕士导师(当过助教和秘书)、逻辑的老师(当过助教)、哲学的外教(当过秘书)

Programs applied to:
PhD: NYU RUTGERS CUNY Notre Dame Toronto Cornell Western UConn (Rejected) 人大()
MA: Calgary (off waitlist) ILLC (Logic Year)

3/11 Cornell一位我很感兴趣的老师发邮件告知了我wl的情况,并且表示对我的ws很感兴趣,实在是太开心啦!
3/15 NYU终于发来了拒信以及 Master in Bioethics的邀请。?????????????????????????????你们真的读了我的SOP吗?
4/14 Off Calgary MA waitlist with funding. 但是两个PhD的wl还没有消息TAT。如果有phd项目要我我就马上decline这个offer
4/15 被UConn拒了TAT

Accepted , Waitlisted , Rejected


Average grade: 80/100 (1st class)

Primary Interests: Philosophy of Mathematics, Mathematical Logic.

Secondary Interests: General Philosophy of Science, Formal Philosophy

GRE: n/a(没考)

Writing Sample: Is Mathematics Quasi-Empirical? (在两个graduate conference上present过)

Letter Writers:

  1. 本科三年的academic mentor,也是dissertation supervisor (assistant professor: phil of sci, logic)

  2. 大一的class teacher,也是大二暑假到大三寒假参加的一个masterclass的supervisor,指导了writing sample (departmental lecturer: phil of math)

  3. 大二教集合论和科学哲学的教授 (professor: phil of sci&physics, quantum logic)

Places applied to:

Master: Oxford, Cambridge - Pure Mathematics, ILLC (declined), MCMP (declined), CMU (declined)

PhD: Harvard, Berkeley - Group in Logic, UC Irvine - LPS, CMU, Notre Dame (declined)

Accepted, Rejected

3.1: 更新了一些个人和申请的信息,供大家参考。
3.9: 应该就会在UCI-LPS和ND之间做选择了,欢迎大家提建议!
4.7: 接受了UCI的offer


GPA : 90/100 (1st class)
GRE : 160 (V); 167 (Q); 3.5 (W)
TOEFL :101 (speaking 20) (听说很多学校会因为口语低拒人,但我实在不行了)

Writing Sample : Are animals subordinate to humans? On the internal purposes and intrinsic value of animals (康德目的论和当代环境哲学的杂糅)

Letter writers :

#1 德国外教(古希腊和德古哲),上过她的三门课,两门是graduate seminar。writing sample是从本科生课的课程论文改的,是ws的supervisor。信的最后面有针对每个学校的修改。

#2 毕业论文导师(分析哲学),上过她的三门课,两门是graduate seminar,参加了半年组会。(其实ws里也杂糅了一点分哲对动物的讨论)

#3 大三上的教授(环境哲学),只上过一门课,但是参加了一年半的组会,推荐信基本是我写的。

Programs applied to (All MA) :

Simon Fraser, Tufts, Northern Illinois (declined), Calgary (off waitlist), Virginia Tech (declined), Western Michigan, Wisconsin Milwaukee, Texas Tech (declined), Brandeis

a3/w2 (a1r1)/r4

2.9 NIU admitted
2.18 SFU rejected
2.21 WMU waitlisted
3.2 VT admitted waitlist for funding
3.4 Calgary waitlisted
3.6 UWM rejected
3.23 忍不住问了Tufts然后得知被拒了
4.4 TTU admitted waitlist for funding 我错了 我应该好好考托福口语的
4.5 发信问了下brandeis然后无了
4.14 calgary off waitlist with funding
4.16 VT无钱 再见了VT VT的funding好多 有19k 好想要呜呜呜
4.17 WMU没了 说是今年从wl上补的人比往年少很多
4.18 TTU没钱 wl愣是一个都不补啊 太离谱了 感觉NIU肯定也不给 应该就和大家一起去Cal过快乐日子了
4.19 NIU没钱 正式接受calgary



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算挺高的 我是因为修了一些数学课然后把分拉上去了

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我SFU倒是进了,挺开心的 WMU也是拿了个waitlist 无语







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背景:985本 GPA: 84.7/100 (Cumulative)

GRE: V161 Q163 AW4.0

Writing Sample: Justification and Excuse in Knowledge-First Epistemology

Letter Writers: 系里两个外教,一个美国毕业的老师,一个离职的外教

Programs applied to:
MIT, Pitt, UT Austin (off waitlist), UCLA
Simon Fraser, Tufts, Northern Illinois, Texas Tech, Calgary, Virginia Tech, Western Michigan , Wisconsin Milwaukee

Admitted , Waitlisted , Rejected


GPA: 3.70 / 4.00 (B. S. in Physics)

GRE: 168 (V); 170 (Q); 5.0 (W)

Writing Sample: Freezing the Moving Spotlight in Gunky Time

Letter Writers: 三位都分别上过2-3门graduate seminars的教授,一位做古希腊哲学史,一位做中世纪哲学史,一位模态逻辑学家,都是大概分析哲学路径

Places applied to:
I: Rutgers NYU* USC* Princeton* UCBerkeley* MIT Michigan Pitt(HPS)
II: Pitt(Phil) NotreDame Toronto UCIrvine(LPS) UCDavis* UCSD
III: UVA UMass Stanford Arizona UNC CUNY* UCLA*

北美MA:Tufts*, Simon Fraser, Northern Illinois, Wisconsin Milwauke

英国Masters:Oxford BPhil, Oxford MSt (Phil. Phys.), St. Andrews MLitt, Cambridge MPhil

Accepted, Waitlisted, Rejected, Presumably Rejected*, Pending

03.10: 申请结果基本出齐,第一梯队的学校全部果断拒绝了我。目前在Oxford BPhil和Toronto PhD以及UCSD PhD之间犹豫。现在我自己比较倾向于先去读一个BPhil,寄希望于两年后再次申请能去第一梯队的PhD项目。不知道大家有没有什么pushback?


GPA: 3.72 (Undergrad Phil Major GPA: 3.95) /3.75(MA in Economics (Withdrawn))

Writing Sample: Locating Causal Power in a Layered Physical World

Letter Writers: 本科导师(古希腊)+ 交流较多的授课教师(PhilofScience,Pol Phil)

Applied: 由于半路出家转行读哲学,而且自己的AOI也在developing中,并没有申请phd,想以北美授课master为主要方向。一开始自己申请没有搞清楚状况,申请了几个踩雷项目,即Stanford MA和NYU MA,这俩申请完才发现ddl都在三月和四月,显然是瞄准phd申请失利的(且有钱的)applicants。由于对钟磊老师做的方向很感兴趣,我也申请了CUHK的MPhil,并且和钟老师超尬地发了两封邮件(感觉他人还是蛮nice的但是经典答非所问)。三月到了,祈求能拿到靠谱的funded offer🙏

美国MA: Tufts, NIU, UW-Milwaukee, Brandeis, GSU, Virginia Tech, Stanford, NYU, UChicago
加拿大&香港: SFU, UBC, CUHK

3.6: GSU rej了,怀疑自己是不是应该回去把econ读完做民工

